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Katerina Dobriborsci

“Why does creative frustration occur and how to avoid it? by Katerina Dobriborsci
Today it is fashionable to say “introvert” and “social phobiс”. In fact, many of those who
had never thought about it before suddenly realized that they feel very comfortable alone. I
can often hear the same story from photographers: “I gave up office job / I could not stand
my colleagues / etc., that’s why I started shooting”. And that’s you are standing tilted
forward with your camera in front of a client. By fits and starts you squeeze out a couple of
tips in terms of posing, and then you run to your burrow to retouch. Well, well … you can
live like this for a year or two if you have talent. Maybe a little more in the fashion industry.
But how long will clients tolerate such an isolato? There is also such a funny stereotype
that the more serious the face of the photographer, the cooler he is.

7 years ago, I used to come to shootings expecting that clients would think about what to
wear, how to style hair, make-up, how to pose themselves. My task was to take a picture
and process it. That’s how I burned out. There was a mismatch between what I wanted to
get and what I saw in my portfolio. I put aside the photography and started filming.
Certainly, everything is different there. Clients have no need to pose. So, I was happy with
my video reporting, while people were “living” in the frame. Until I met again clients who
asked me “what am I supposed to do?” As a result, I failed to keep silent, as you can
understand. But time passed, my social skills developed, I got married, was in client’s
shoes and realized what I like and don’t in the work of photographers and filmmakers.
Gradually, I realized that clients are just as simple as I am. Amazingly enough, after talking
with a photographer for about 15 minutes, clients feel more relaxed, they confide, and this
is where the magic happens.

If only you could notice how people change during the photoshoot, when you say a few compliments, praise if they do everything right, tell jokes and share your life stories. With the help of these simple techniques, my shots became alive. That’s how I started to get boundless pleasure from work. It was after this photoshoot(see pictures) when I said to myself: “Kate, now you can call yourself a photographer.” This shooting was essential for me to understand what my style is.

