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Federico Clapis

You often bring up the topic of a person “living” on his phone. How did you manage to find such an image? What is the secret to your inexhaustible interest in this topic?

My interest has long since expired but in the past it marked my work with a couple of extremely iconic and representative works.

All the works that represent a relationship with technology are a metaphor for me to tell something else, so regardless of the change of the epochs they remain alive in their deepest meaning.

What related areas of art do you draw inspiration from?

Probably it is the most iconic works, which could be partly influenced by the Street Art, and the most cryptic series, partly influenced by the 50s.

But I think they are very unconscious influences that I don’t encounter in my creative process.

Tell us about how and where you’ve been working recently and about current projects.

Artist BIO: https://www.federicoclapis.com/about/?noredirect=en-US

At this moment he’s a great inspiration to me, I’ve noticed that virtual exhibitions are being created, everything is more digital, and it encourages me to create space that can be experienced through virtual reality. I’m thinking of a new world.

Do you have a permanent team? How many assistants do you have?

I have a team of 2 people, one personal assistant and one specialist who helps me in the Lab. In addition, I have a group of people like video makers, writers, editors and so on whom I involve when I need them.

Would you advise a young artist to devote time and effort to maintain a social network page to show their work?

My advice is to be less abstract in real life, so it means to also practice other jobs to learn self management, business and communications management, because we are going towards the future where artists will be more independent, and yes, social networks are part of the communication strategy today.

What moment/action/stage in your work do you love the most?

My work literally saved my life, so everything that comes with it, even if it requires daily management, becomes a therapeutic and intimate practice.

Through my work I create a channel of communication between myself and the manifestation of my inner self, consciousness and unconsciousness, which require more or less intense moments to emerge.

What would you like to praise yourself for, what is the best thing you’ve done for developing your career?

I’m grateful that I’ve learned to say no to the situations that don’t resonate with me, leaving fear behind and remaining open to the unknown which is right for me and on the verge of coming. However, I’ve noticed this only happens when you learn to say no without fear.

What do you regret not doing in your creative work and career?

There is nothing that I regret in particular, everything is part of a journey and all those mistakes that may seem apparent still help me to understand new points of view on reality and therefore also on work.

Have you always made money using your creativity or did you have an extra job in your youth to earn money?

I worked before. I’m grateful for those experiences because they taught me a great deal of what I do today.

I think that it’s necessary to always experiment, it can be an occasion to grow.

What do you dream of for your career?

Right now I’m trying myself in the crypto art ecosystem.

My first 3 NFTs were very successful.

My goal is to become one of the most recognized and known crypto artists ever.

It is a whole new job that is much more suited to my personality compared to the amount of energy I was putting into traditional art.
